Judges will evaluate competitors on the following criteria:
Posing/Presentation – Posing/Presentation refers to how well the competitor presents herself and displays their physique on stage as well as adherence to USBF posing guidelines. Competitors should present themselves with poise, good posture and confidence and should utilize posing that enhances their physique (i.e. no overly pointed elbows, arms too far from midline of body, or inability to display symmetry. Competitors should be able to quickly and smoothly transition between poses.
Symmetry – Symmetry refers to the evenness of development of the competitor’s physique and how well the parts of the physique flow together. It includes the balance and proportion of the competitor from side to side, top to bottom and front to back. Symmetry is a measurement of evenness of development between all muscle groups and proportion when viewed from all sides. No body part or muscle group should stand out from the rest.
Muscularity – Muscularity refers to muscle size and development relative to the competitor’s frame, including shape and size. The level of muscularity is determined by the extent of development in relation to the size of the competitor’s skeletal structure. Also to be considered is the shape and contour of the developed muscle and muscle groups. Bikini competitors should display:
A slight level of muscularity;
Full/round shoulder caps;
Visible quad development;
Visible hamstring development;
Full, round, firm glutes;
Should NOT display an abundance of muscle size
Conditioning – Conditioning refers to the level of differentiation between adjacent muscles delineating sections or fibers within the same muscle group and the degree of firmness (hardness) of muscle tone. Conditioning is important but an overly dieted appearance is neither advantageous nor desirable. Bikini competitors should display:
Overall healthy and fit muscle tone (Properly Conditioned);
Visible abdominal definition;
Visible quad definition;
Visible hamstring definition;
Full, round, firm glutes with visible tie-in to hamstrings
Should NOT display deep cuts, striations, or overly dieted look;
• Should NOT display deeply drawn-in faces or stringy-looking muscularity (an emaciated look).
Round 1: Group Comparisons
Each competitor will be brought to front center stage and go through a series of Front and Back comparisons to display their physique, no quarter turns
One hand shall be placed on the hip (either side is acceptable) with the leg bent and accentuated. The opposite arm shall hang straight down and gracefully to the side (no tea cup arm) with the outer leg fully extended facing the judges accentuating the outer hip and thigh. Number shall be placed on the side of the suit facing the judges.
BACK POSE: Stand with hips even and feet shoulder width apart, hands on your thighs with back flared. The key to this pose is to NOT bend forward as to “moon” the judges and audience. This is a family friendly event so keep that in mind. Competitors should move their hair as to not block the judges view of their back. ​
Competitors will also be asked to walk to the back and front of the stage as a group to further assess comparisons.
Round 2: Individual Routines:
Competitors walk out to music of their choice and perform a “T” walk or “Box Presentation” (amateurs are allowed up to 60 seconds while Pros are allowed up to 90 seconds). A T-walk consists of walking out to rear center stage and pausing briefly in a pose of choice. Competitors then walk up to front center stage to pose briefly, then walk to stage left and pose briefly, then walk to stage right and pose briefly, then walk to the front center of the stage and pose briefly, and finally walk off stage diagonally to the side (as instructed by staff). The walk resembles a “T”, which is how it got its name. The “Box Presentation” is where the competitor shall be limited to a box in the center of the stage at the promoters discretion for all routines to be performed in.