To be eligible to compete in the Pro Mixed Pairs division both athletes must already be a pro in one of the foundational divisions, which include Men’s Bodybuilding, Women’s Bodybuilding, Women’s Figure, Men’s Physique, or Women’s Bikini. Furthermore, both athletes must be registered to compete individually in their respective pro division.
Judges will evaluate competitors on the following criteria:
Posing/Presentation – Posing/Presentation refers to how well the competitor presents himself or herself and displays their physique on stage as well as adherence to USBF posing guidelines. Competitors should present themselves with poise, good posture and confidence and should utilize posing that enhances their physique (i.e. no overly exaggerated elbows, arms too far from midline of body, or inability to display symmetry). Competitors should be able to quickly and smoothly transition between poses.
Symmetry – Symmetry refers to the evenness of development of the competitor’s physique and how well the parts of the physique flow together. It includes the balance and proportion of the competitor from side to side, top to bottom and front to back. Symmetry is a measurement of evenness of development between all muscle groups and proportion when viewed from all sides. No body part or muscle group should stand out from the rest.
Muscularity – Muscularity refers to muscle size and development relative to the competitor’s frame, including shape and size. The level of muscularity is determined by the extent of development in relation to the size of the competitor’s skeletal structure. Also, to be considered is the shape and contour of the developed muscle and muscle groups. Both athletes should display the appropriate level of muscularity for their identified pro division (see individual division criteria for further details).
Conditioning – Conditioning refers to the level of differentiation between adjacent muscles delineating sections or fibers within the same muscle group and the degree of firmness (hardness) of muscle tone. Leanness is important but an overly dieted appearance is neither advantageous nor desirable. Both athletes should display the appropriate level of conditioning for their identified pro division (see individual division criteria for further details).
Round 1: Group Comparisons:
The class is brought out to front center stage as a group and guided through quarter turns to display their physique from all sides. Pairs will be requested to perform quarter turns. The pair will be allowed to choose poses of their choosing from their individually identified pro division (see individual division posing criteria for further details). The pair’s will be judged on how well they each execute poses that displays their individual physique’s the best, as well as presents the pair in an aesthetic manner. This will count towards 50% of the pair’s overall score in this division.
Round 2: Individual Presentation:
Competitors will perform a posing routine to music of their choice, which will be judged and go toward 50% of the pair’s overall score. Costumes and/or props are permitted, but are not required. If costumes or props are utilized, they should still allow presentation of the physique.